Well, it's been a trial, not sure about the tribulations part. I was making great progress weaving plain weave in the first wrap of 4. The warp was beamed and the weaving begun. I wove the middle marker, a brief section of twill patterning, and headed down the road of the second half of the first wrap. I keep repeating myself because each wrap requires close to 170" or close to 5 yards, 15 feet of weaving plain weave. It's the easiest weave structure to weave and the least forgiving if you make an error.
You know where this story is leading. I hit a poorly tensioned section of warp and the weaving went totally wonky. I thought just a few threads were off and discovered that several individual threads throughout the warp were tensioned poorly. They probably got hung up in the reed for a second or two during the beaming process as I wound the warp onto the back beam. That's all it took. Just a few seconds and that one thread had less tension than it's neighbor. Creates huge problems when you are weaving. You're thinking, okay, a bump in the road. Think 3 foot deep pot hole you cannot avoid and each tire falls in one at a time. Jolting to the whole system.
I corrected the errors I could find and continued weaving. I noticed a few skipped threads and unwove. Then, continued weaving. I wove a few more inches and noticed several different threads that skipped over several rows. So, I unwove again. You get the idea.
By shear determination and some skill, I completed the first wrap. Okay. Tension issues behind me. I wound part of the warp forward to correct some of the errors and re-tension the next section of warp. Wound it back onto the back beam and continued.
Here is a brief video clip of my progress, if you can call it that.
You know where this story is leading. I hit a poorly tensioned section of warp and the weaving went totally wonky. I thought just a few threads were off and discovered that several individual threads throughout the warp were tensioned poorly. They probably got hung up in the reed for a second or two during the beaming process as I wound the warp onto the back beam. That's all it took. Just a few seconds and that one thread had less tension than it's neighbor. Creates huge problems when you are weaving. You're thinking, okay, a bump in the road. Think 3 foot deep pot hole you cannot avoid and each tire falls in one at a time. Jolting to the whole system.
I corrected the errors I could find and continued weaving. I noticed a few skipped threads and unwove. Then, continued weaving. I wove a few more inches and noticed several different threads that skipped over several rows. So, I unwove again. You get the idea.
By shear determination and some skill, I completed the first wrap. Okay. Tension issues behind me. I wound part of the warp forward to correct some of the errors and re-tension the next section of warp. Wound it back onto the back beam and continued.
Here is a brief video clip of my progress, if you can call it that.
The weaving continues forward for now. I'll keep you posted as I weave on.